Before academia
Capital Markets CRC Ltd
I was a research engineer at Capital Markets CRC (CMCRC), where we developed software for identifying prohibited trading behaviours, such as insider trading and market manipulation. The software was used by over 40 stock brokers in 25 markets internationally, including many of the world’s largest banks and investment houses. The system was subsequently purchased by NASDAQ QMX. More about the software Compliance Explorer.
National ICT Australia Ltd
Before CMCRC, I was at National ICT Australia, where I developed models for the ARM microprocessor in higher order logic using the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. It was part of the L4 Microkernel project at NICTA. Qualcomm, Google and Oracle are some of the mobile solution companies using the L4 microkernel. As of 2012, L4 has been deployed in more than 1.5 billion mobile devices. My supervisor was A/Prof. Gerwin Klein. Some related links: