
2022 Term 1 BIOM9650 Biosensors and Transducers 

This course serves as an introduction to physiological measurement using biosensors and transducers. This course deals primarily with gaining an understanding of the physical principles which govern the measurement of a biological variable or system, by a transducer which converts the variable into an electrical signal. By the end of the course you should understand various measurement devices and approaches including the underlying biological process that generates the quantity to be measured or controlled.

2024 Term 3 BIOM9640 Biomedical Instrumentation 

This course is an introduction to physiological measurement of bioelectric phenomena and neurostimulation. Its aim is to give you an understanding of the physical principles that govern the measurement of a biological variable or system by a transducer, which converts the variable into an electrical signal. By the end of the course you should understand various measurement devices and approaches including the underlying biological process that generates the quantity to be measured or controlled. The basic medical instrumentation used clinically to perform these functions is also examined.

2024 Term 2 DESN2000 Engineering Design and Professional Practice 

This course develops basic conceptual design skills you need in electrical engineering. The discipline-specific objective of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and skills that enable them to design basic embedded systems, where a microcontroller is the central element. The first half of the course will focus on ARM processor architecture, instruction sets, assembly language fundamentals and techniques. The second half of the course will look at input and output, interrupts, and exceptions.


Previous offering

  • BIOM9640: 2019 ~ 2023 T3

  • BIOM9650: 2021 ~ 2022 T2

  • DESN2000: 2020 ~ 2023 T2